Monday, February 13, 2012

February 4th- Day 1 in Edinburgh

We took a bus to the Milan airport at 7:30 am. We arrived in Edinburgh and took a bus to get to our hostel around 3:30pm. Our hostel ended up being inside of an old church, which was renovated to be a hostel.
The hostel was decent, but some parts we're a little dirty. Hey but you get what you pay for and you gotta take the good with the bad. I just get creeped out sometimes by the sheets and get paranoid that there's bed bugs (special shutout to my dad who won't even sleep in the sheets of hotel rooms in America for that reason). It did have a really good location, close to pretty much all the attractions and the city. When we got there we heard the exciting news that the 6 nations rugby game Scotland vs. England was being held in Edinburgh that night at 5pm. It was a huge game because Scotland's biggest rival is England, so the town was crazy. We unpacked and got ready to go out to Roses St., which is known as having the best pub scene. Oh and I can't forget it was FREEZING. Deathly frigid I had like thousands of layers on. We go out to watch the game at the Standing Order, which was this huge pub filled with fans and and the game was airing on a giant projector screen. All the men were decked out in full kilts and attire as shown below:
We walked in and the main room was packed so we went to one of the separate smaller rooms to get food. I got a cheeseburger and fries (well they call them chips) and it was delicious. Finally american food. They're menu was filled with meat and vegetables and big portions lol and it was absolutely wonderful to be in a country where they speak English. Like I'm not trying to be the typical American tourist but there really is a language barrier in Italy and Switzerland. Not just the language, but the people were just nicer. They said excuse me, they didn't run over you, they didn't make it known that they knew you were Americans in their country. It was just a great atmosphere to be in. Everyone in the bar (probably at least a hundred if not more) was watching the game, and cheering the whole time. I saw the most beautiful boys also they were everywhere in Scotland, unfortunately they were only interested in the game and not the girls. We stayed at the bar the whole game, and even though I have no idea about the rules or how to play it was really exciting to watch. Some of the locals tried to help me to understand, but it was quite loud and a little difficult to communicate. Afterwards, we went out to a different pub with some of our new found friends, but didn't stay out too late because we were jet-lagged. I got home pretty early showered in the gross showers then went to bed.

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